
Connect Uniscale with the tools and services you use every day.
We want Uniscale to empower your existing workflows, and integrate with the tools 
and services that you work with.
At Uniscale, we believe in enhancing your daily workflows by seamlessly integrating with the tools and services you rely on. Our commitment is to ensure that Uniscale not only fits into your existing setup but actively empowers it, making your work easier and more efficient.
Provide your tools with
domain-driven context

Uniscale's domain-driven approach to software development can make your tools intelligent by providing relevant domain context that ensures better alignment with functional requirements.

Vendor-agnostic plugins
for your IDE

With our IDE plugins and no-code generated SDK, your structured functional specifications are fed directly into your IDE, enabling you to leverage the any IDE AI code generator.

Currently, we offer integrations for two of the most widely used development environments: Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. These integrations are designed to enrich your coding experience, offering you the flexibility and support you need to bring your projects to life.
VS code
Leverage domain-driven AI inside VS Code

Can't find your integration?

Stay tuned for updates as we work to make Uniscale an even more integral part of your development process.